
Wednesday, June 29, 2005


Truly the best tale of international intrigue afoot this day has nothing to do with Iraq or Afghanistan but is a good ol' fashioned Yankees vs. Russkies showdown. Or, more accurately, Russkies vs. Patriots--as in New England Patriots.

According to AP, Patriots owner Robert Kraft showed Russian President Vladimir Putin his latest Super Bowl ring during a meeting in St. Petersburg this past Saturday. Putin apparently "tried it on, put it in his pocket and left."

We're still in the civil, diplomatic wrangling stage of this brewing international incident, as is apparent by the cautious tone taken by Kraft's spokesperson. I'm sure Kraft is thinking about how much business he stands to lose if he makes too much of a stink about this and alienates Putin, a man who recently had Russia's most wealthy industrialist jailed and sentenced to a long prison term in a show trial reminiscent of the Stalin-era in both its lack of evidence and pre-determined outcome.

Putin's spokesperson meanwhile maintains that the ring, encrusted with 124 diamonds, was a gift. "A Kremlin official who spoke on condition of anonymity out of fear of compromising his position said the ring was a present. "Such a present was made," the official said" [Itals and bold mine]. Yeah, his position or maybe his life. I mean, let's not forget that Putin was head of the scary-guy branch of the KGB, and he still looks like he could kill you three ways before you hit the ground. And he seems like he'd enjoy it, too.

Oh well, Bob, at least you still have a couple more Super Bowl rings at home. Just watch out who you show them off to in the future.

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