
Friday, April 23, 2004

One Year Later--Duped or self-deluded on Iraq?

The Inquirer Washington Bureau reports yet again that a majority of Americans (57%) continue to believe that Iraq was closely allied with Al Qaeda and was involved with the 9-11 terror attacks. Lesser but still significant numbers believe Iraq had both stockpiles of weapons of mass destruction (38%) and on-going significant programs to develop such weapons (22%).

This despite the fact that, "(t)here is no known evidence to date that these statements are true."

I must admit to being literally speechless about this. The words 'stupid' and 'idiot' come to mind, but that is pointless and unfair. Still, I am left wondering what it will take to get through to these folks.

While I think the human rights angle now being pushed by TeamBush is utterly shameless and disingenuous on its part, I can at least see people buying into Colin Powell's now-infamous Pottery Barn analogy about Iraq that 'if you break it, you own it.' We caused the mess and we can't just run away (although there was a point when we could have more easily internationalized the conflict than now, but TeamBush blew that opportunity too).

Still, I have to think that most folks maintaining these opinions just really cannot admit that their country or government made a big oops, which is at least implied in the 'break it, bought it' notion.

Two things: 1. If someone knows a person who agrees with the statements in the above poll, please have them contact me. I really want to understand their mindset and promise to be respectful; and 2. Can you imagine how hawkish conservatives would respond to the following scenario:

Our troops were welcomed in Iraq as liberators. Their numbers were already being drawn down although many were in no hurry to leave since they were being so well treated by grateful Iraqis. Once in control of the country coalition forces discovered unrefutable evidence of financial and military ties between the terrorists and Hussein's dictatorship. They also uncovered a series of secret weapon stashes and launching bases so cleverly concealed that they were worthy of being the lair of a James Bond arch-enemy and that had avoided detection by UN and IAEA inspectors for years. These secret bases were loaded with high quality missiles and large caches of toxic nerve gases and nuclear weapons that were never more than 45 minutes from being able to launch against the West's major cities, exactly as British prime Minister Tony Blair's eerily accurate intelligence had predicted. Faced with such damning evidence, lefty opinion leaders ranging from Noam Chomsky to Tim Robbins had to admit that the war was probably a good idea.

And despite all of this, 57% of Americans were still against the war. A third to a quarter of them refused to even believe that Saddam had an active weapons program despite all of the obvious proof and confiscated missiles and warheads.

What will get through to these people?!

And by the way, the day that all does happen is the day when the Air Force actually does have to hold a Bake Sale to buy a bomber and schools do have all the money they need.

In other words, not any time soon.

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