Friday, April 30, 2004
War Dead? What War Dead? Heroes? What Heroes?
Despite the fact that TeamBush is wrapped up in the flag tighter than a cocoon and despite the fact that it drops words like 'honor' and 'sacrifice' at a moments notice, it refuses to let people mourn their war dead in public. TeamBush allies like the company who was doing pentagon contracting in Kuwait promptly fired two employees after they sent home photos of coffins which made their way to a news source. The corporation spokesman said that they were "strongly encouraged" to do so by the Dept. of Defense.
Today we learn that an ABC affiliate with very strong ties to the GOP and TeamBush is refusing to air Ted Koppel's Nightline program tonight. Koppel plans to honor the war dead by solemnly reading their names, ages and hometowns as a photo of each appears on the screen. All seven-hundred plus of them.
Of course, isn't this the kind of John Wayne patriotism thing that the GOP should eat up with a red, white, and blue spoon?! So why the complaints?
Because, despite talk of honor, in NO WAY does anyone over at TeamBush want any possible reminder to the American public that people are dying daily, at an increasing rate, for a war that they are having an increasingly hard time justifying.
One last point--main architect of our Iraq War strategy, Paul Wolfowitz, was on Capitol Hill today and when asked if he knew current US casaulty numbers said, "Five hundred, give or take." He was off by 44%. We're at 738 and, sadly, still counting.
Despite the fact that TeamBush is wrapped up in the flag tighter than a cocoon and despite the fact that it drops words like 'honor' and 'sacrifice' at a moments notice, it refuses to let people mourn their war dead in public. TeamBush allies like the company who was doing pentagon contracting in Kuwait promptly fired two employees after they sent home photos of coffins which made their way to a news source. The corporation spokesman said that they were "strongly encouraged" to do so by the Dept. of Defense.
Today we learn that an ABC affiliate with very strong ties to the GOP and TeamBush is refusing to air Ted Koppel's Nightline program tonight. Koppel plans to honor the war dead by solemnly reading their names, ages and hometowns as a photo of each appears on the screen. All seven-hundred plus of them.
Of course, isn't this the kind of John Wayne patriotism thing that the GOP should eat up with a red, white, and blue spoon?! So why the complaints?
Because, despite talk of honor, in NO WAY does anyone over at TeamBush want any possible reminder to the American public that people are dying daily, at an increasing rate, for a war that they are having an increasingly hard time justifying.
One last point--main architect of our Iraq War strategy, Paul Wolfowitz, was on Capitol Hill today and when asked if he knew current US casaulty numbers said, "Five hundred, give or take." He was off by 44%. We're at 738 and, sadly, still counting.
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