Friday, July 23, 2004
It's not just a Job. . . It's a Boob Job!
Well it looks like our Armed Forces personnel will soon be able to have all kinds of things on their bodies cosmetically lengthened, swelled, and shortened. . . all on the taxpayers dime. Plastic Surgery will now be a routine part of the health care coverage given to our nation's miltary. As if three hots and a cot weren't enough to get potential enlistees out of their dead-end, jobless urban and rural homes and into this man's and woman's army, now they can get that tummy tuck they've always dreamed of as well.
Y'know, when the National Health Services of Brazil started offering cosmetic surgery to their people it was ridiculed by our nation's cultural conservatives, and for once I stood somewhat near them. I mean, harelips, maybe even some schnozz work you could make a reasonable case for. But breast enhancement (the male version wasn't mentioned in the article, but I've got to think Uncle Sam wouldn't be sexist) and other cosmo work has to be beyond the pale, right? I'm sure Pat and Jerry will be on this soon.
The Army, meanwhile, portrays the new perquisites as a 'win-win' for both service personnel and the Army doctors performing the procedures. The New Yorker magazine "quoted an Army spokeswoman as saying, “the surgeons have to have someone to practice on.”"
And why would the doctors need so much practice these days? Oh right, all of those disfigured, amputee young American boys and girls coming back from Iraq.
Well it looks like our Armed Forces personnel will soon be able to have all kinds of things on their bodies cosmetically lengthened, swelled, and shortened. . . all on the taxpayers dime. Plastic Surgery will now be a routine part of the health care coverage given to our nation's miltary. As if three hots and a cot weren't enough to get potential enlistees out of their dead-end, jobless urban and rural homes and into this man's and woman's army, now they can get that tummy tuck they've always dreamed of as well.
Y'know, when the National Health Services of Brazil started offering cosmetic surgery to their people it was ridiculed by our nation's cultural conservatives, and for once I stood somewhat near them. I mean, harelips, maybe even some schnozz work you could make a reasonable case for. But breast enhancement (the male version wasn't mentioned in the article, but I've got to think Uncle Sam wouldn't be sexist) and other cosmo work has to be beyond the pale, right? I'm sure Pat and Jerry will be on this soon.
The Army, meanwhile, portrays the new perquisites as a 'win-win' for both service personnel and the Army doctors performing the procedures. The New Yorker magazine "quoted an Army spokeswoman as saying, “the surgeons have to have someone to practice on.”"
And why would the doctors need so much practice these days? Oh right, all of those disfigured, amputee young American boys and girls coming back from Iraq.
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