
Thursday, January 27, 2005

The Poodle Bites

Well it only took about two years, but Tony Blair apparently finally had something negative to say about the Bush administration. Known by his Bush-hating, Iraq-War-loathing countrymen as 'The Poodle' for his lapdog-like allegiance to the 43rd US president, Blair finally had what AP was quick to call 'harsh words' for TeamBush.

In fact, they were the sound words of a friend who had seen his pal ramble too far astray for too long. "If America wants the rest of the world to be part of the agenda it has set, it must be part of their agenda, too," he told the annual meeting of the World Economic Forum, a gathering of 2,500 political and business leaders."

Blair specifically cited the Kyoto Protocols as an example on which the President could show more of an international spirit. The accord will come into effect this year without US participation (To put it mildly--TeamBush has worked diligently for years to undermine the agreement ever being ratified).

Their French counterpart Jacques Chirac (who, you'll recall, is actually a rightist candidate despite Yahoo American attempts to portray him as a pinko because of his anti-Iraq War stance) also addressed the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland. His message emplored "rich nations [to] raise billions of aid dollars through new taxes and other measures.
Referring to the Dec. 26 tsunami, he said: "The world suffers chronically from what has been strikingly called the 'silent tsunamis.' Famine. Infectious diseases that decimate the life force of entire continents.""

So will TeamBush listen? Is it still 'my way or the highway' for this White House? One thing is certain, when your best buddy and your playground nemesis start singing the same tune, it makes good sense to start paying attention.

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