Thursday, September 14, 2006
I don't know what to say. I politically came of age just out of college in Austin, Texas, and Ann Richards was truly one of my icons. She was sassy, smart, decent, compassionate, and just fun to be around. It was a great day when she was elected Governor of Texas over Clayton 'rape's like rain' Williams, overshadowed only by Jim Hightower's loss for AG to Rick 'Goodhair' (with apologies to Molly Ivins) Perry. The sign for months outside of Wheatsville Coop read 'Congrats Ann, Sorry Jim.'
I guess its beacuse of Ann, and Jim and Molly that I retain my love of Texas and Texans while the Lone Star State remains villified in Blueland for foisting W. on the rest of us. My Texas--Austin, also known as the People's Republic of Travis County, was and still is a liberal, intelligent oasis amidst a sea of bible-belters and xenophobes. It was serious and concerned, but always fun and never took itself too seriously. When I think of UT football games, Shiner Beer, and BBQ in my own head I guess I always think of Ann presiding over things in the grackle-shit coated Mansion next to the Capitol, always a regular Jane, populist enough to talk cars and horses and sports while knowing that she had a duty to try to make things better for regular people.
I'd say Rest in Peace, but I get the feeling Ann would certainly prefer to spend eternity the same way she lived her life, kickin' ass and laughing loudly all the way. We'll miss you.
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