
Thursday, October 19, 2006

More notes from the Reich

Readers and fellow travellers may remember the plight of Maher Arar. He was the Canadian who was 'suspected' of terrorist ties while flying through the US from Canada, where he is a naturalized citizen. The CIA nabbed him and sent him to Syria for 'questioning.' After months of isolation and torture it was decided that he was clean, and so the Assad regime shipped him back to the Great White North.

He was honored recently by a rights group, along with his US attorney (he's still miffed about being abducted and tortured for no reason by the US government apparently), but he couldn't accept his award or be present at the ceremony because he's still on the US 'Terror Watch List.'

It would seem that innocence doesn't really matter to TeamBush. Frankly, I'm surprised the guy even had the cojones to want to come back here after his last visit, but no matter, because he can't. Conveniently, he can't even show up to his trial whenever that may be, or he'll be arrested just for trying to show up. That sure keeps the Bushies off the hook, I guess.

Folks may object to the use of the word reich in the post title, but lets be honest about the depths into which our once (and hopefully future) great country has sunk. Orcinus has a long but thoughtful piece (1 of 6) about the US slide into a form of pseudo-fascism. Or to put a better spin on it, fascism 'lite.' Great Taste, More Filling( gulags with political prisoners)!! But its interesting to note the people funding this: a tiny cabal of very very wealthy and powerful conservative families like Coors, Olin, and Scaife. The same folks who funded Whitewater, the Clinton impeachment, and spent many millions to put the ludicrous phrase 'death tax' into our US political lexicon.

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