Friday, November 10, 2006
Post Election Wrap-Up
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!! Ok, look folks, six years of TeamBush blundering covered up by a generally compliant, mostly GOP Congress I think gives me the right to be at least a bit of a smug little shit.
Now back to the regularly scheduled rant:
Since Webb finally declared himself the victor in Virginia and gave the Senate to the Dems (for now, watch out for Lieberman, he's a slippery one) I feel like I can finally breathe. There was actually a little post-election tempest brewing in the VA teacup that I think had alot to do with the outcome. Allen (aka horse-head mailbox stuffing Macaca Boy) hired some serious dirty tricksters who targeted mostly urban, mostly black (just like the ol' college days!) voters with phone messages either telling them their polling place had changed (when it hadn't) or that they'd be jailed if they tried to vote in VA since they were registered in another state (also false). The VA govt has already asked the FBI to look into this, hence any months-long protracted recount would give Dems the chance to dig up callerIDs and be able to tie those shenanigans back to Allen. It remains to be seen whether he'll still face charges over this or will be allowed to slink home where he can shed his white hood, forgive his mother her secret semitism, find a nice minyan to join and have that adult bris he so richly deserves. May his mohel have a dull blade, a videocamera, and a YouTube account!!!
Of course there was much to cheer about locally, too. Ricky went down (pronounce that 'dahn', as I'm sure now that he's no longer forced to live exiled in that Virginia gated-community mansion he'll be moving right back to Penn Hills), as did Crazy Curt, not to mention a slew of others regionally and across the country as Americans finally got tired of TeamBush's shtick.
But what will this New Dawn in America look like? Well, despite saying otherwise (L-word!), Rummy got tossed to the trashbin of history faster than you can say, "Heck of a job, Brownie."
Bush himself choked on a bit of crow, and it looks like his Papa finally stepped in to bail him out. The talking points have already been laid out. GOP men from Mehlman (Adios!) to Coulter (couldn't resist) have painted their losses as 'typical' and 'no big deal'. The second strategy is to talk about how 'centrist and conservative' many of these new Dems in the House are.
That's only minorly true: sure some of them represent places that are pro-gun, anti-choice and quake in fear over the thought of a 'San Francisco Agenda'. But that's mostly irrelevant for two reasons. First, there are so many things to fix in this country that even baby steps to the center or (gasp!) left would be a helpful start and a vast departure from the TeamBush playbook that was thoroughly repudiated by the voters on Novemebr 7th. Secondly, and more importantly, you simply aren't going to see any major fissures in their solidarity because the Dems now control the agenda in both houses. For the next two years no Democrat, wherever they may fall on the ideological spectrum, will be forced to vote for any classic GOP wedge issues like abortion, flag burning, gun issues, or the like, because folks like Nancy Pelosi or Loiuse Slaughter will make certain they never come up for a vote.
But where do we start? As a modest proposal I'd suggest looking at a few of Steven Hill's suggestions in his book 10 Steps to Restore American Democracy. Some of these things may same arcane, but they're really needed.
I'd also like opinions, too. If anyone out there reads this stuff let me know what you'd like to see the 110th Congress either achieve or bring into the national spotlight.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!! Ok, look folks, six years of TeamBush blundering covered up by a generally compliant, mostly GOP Congress I think gives me the right to be at least a bit of a smug little shit.
Now back to the regularly scheduled rant:
Since Webb finally declared himself the victor in Virginia and gave the Senate to the Dems (for now, watch out for Lieberman, he's a slippery one) I feel like I can finally breathe. There was actually a little post-election tempest brewing in the VA teacup that I think had alot to do with the outcome. Allen (aka horse-head mailbox stuffing Macaca Boy) hired some serious dirty tricksters who targeted mostly urban, mostly black (just like the ol' college days!) voters with phone messages either telling them their polling place had changed (when it hadn't) or that they'd be jailed if they tried to vote in VA since they were registered in another state (also false). The VA govt has already asked the FBI to look into this, hence any months-long protracted recount would give Dems the chance to dig up callerIDs and be able to tie those shenanigans back to Allen. It remains to be seen whether he'll still face charges over this or will be allowed to slink home where he can shed his white hood, forgive his mother her secret semitism, find a nice minyan to join and have that adult bris he so richly deserves. May his mohel have a dull blade, a videocamera, and a YouTube account!!!
Of course there was much to cheer about locally, too. Ricky went down (pronounce that 'dahn', as I'm sure now that he's no longer forced to live exiled in that Virginia gated-community mansion he'll be moving right back to Penn Hills), as did Crazy Curt, not to mention a slew of others regionally and across the country as Americans finally got tired of TeamBush's shtick.
But what will this New Dawn in America look like? Well, despite saying otherwise (L-word!), Rummy got tossed to the trashbin of history faster than you can say, "Heck of a job, Brownie."
Bush himself choked on a bit of crow, and it looks like his Papa finally stepped in to bail him out. The talking points have already been laid out. GOP men from Mehlman (Adios!) to Coulter (couldn't resist) have painted their losses as 'typical' and 'no big deal'. The second strategy is to talk about how 'centrist and conservative' many of these new Dems in the House are.
That's only minorly true: sure some of them represent places that are pro-gun, anti-choice and quake in fear over the thought of a 'San Francisco Agenda'. But that's mostly irrelevant for two reasons. First, there are so many things to fix in this country that even baby steps to the center or (gasp!) left would be a helpful start and a vast departure from the TeamBush playbook that was thoroughly repudiated by the voters on Novemebr 7th. Secondly, and more importantly, you simply aren't going to see any major fissures in their solidarity because the Dems now control the agenda in both houses. For the next two years no Democrat, wherever they may fall on the ideological spectrum, will be forced to vote for any classic GOP wedge issues like abortion, flag burning, gun issues, or the like, because folks like Nancy Pelosi or Loiuse Slaughter will make certain they never come up for a vote.
But where do we start? As a modest proposal I'd suggest looking at a few of Steven Hill's suggestions in his book 10 Steps to Restore American Democracy. Some of these things may same arcane, but they're really needed.
I'd also like opinions, too. If anyone out there reads this stuff let me know what you'd like to see the 110th Congress either achieve or bring into the national spotlight.
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