Friday, January 05, 2007

Thank You Coach Cowher
I remember being in a university office 15 years ago (alas, pre-internet or 24/7 news coverage) when my Dad called to tell me that Chuck Noll had resigned. So a decade and a half later I sit, still in a university officfe (though luckily not the same one) watching Bill Cowher resign. The Jaw helped define Pittsburgh sports for at least one generation, and he kept the spirit alive and added his own unique prespective to it. He was, and is, as they say in sports, "A Class Act all the way around."
A few things struck me about his news conference. The first was that even here in Philly, swept up in Eagles-playoff mania, when it appeared live on ESPN the place where I was watching and dining immediately turned off the jukebox and turned up the sound on all of the normally-muted TVs. I also liked when, in talking to the local media he said to a round of laughter "Yinz know what I mean." There was a lengthy pause as the teleprompter person (clearly not a native 'Burgher) tried to figure out what the hell he just said and ended up writing 'You know what I mean.' Made me smile.
As Coach Cowher said about his intended future visits, "You can take the person out of Pittsburgh, but you can't Pittsburgh out of the person." I certainly know what you mean, Bill. Thanks for years of passionate coaching. I'll always remember you jumping five-feet into the air after a great play, especially on special teams, where you earned your bread-and-butter as an NFL player, a few times almost beaning the ref with the red challenge flag, and stuffing the photos from an obvious blown call into the ref's pocket as he tried to ignore you while marching off the field (You were right, by the way--that call cost us the game and the NFL officiating body apologized later that week).
I knew the minute I heard your still-thick Pittsburgh accent that you were the guy to replace Chuck Noll. May we be half as lucky to find as high-caliber of a successor for you. Enjoy Carolina but watch out, they've got a lot of hurricanes down there. And please, when you do come back to the game (as we all know you will, since you're 49) please don't coach in the AFC North. Frankly, don't coach any team I routinely root against. I think I would have too hard a time rooting against you.
PS You were Katy's first TV crush ("Hey Bill, it's me Katy, your very best friend!") and you never did send her that autographed picture she wanted. Maybe now that you're retired you'll have the chance to catch up on your correspondence.
Via con Dios.
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