Thursday, January 17, 2008
Vicious Bunch o' Bozos!!!!
A great story to start the year!* Seems University of Sheffield (UK) researchers were quizzing children 4-16 about hospital children's wards decor as a therapeutic element. Every One of the 250 participants disliked clowns, vast numbers of them expressing an outright fear or hatred of clowns.
I hear ya, lil' Britons. To this day I remember being terrified by a gas additive commercial (Mobil, I think) from the late 60s/early 70s. The Engine gunk was represented by grimy, evil clowns who lurked in your V-8 engine and burst out from under the hood. I guess they wanted to turn you off from using this fine Mobil product (all reverse psychology-like ala those cartoon Raid bugs, don'tcha know, but all they did was scare the living shit out of my 3-5 year-old self. I vividly recall having nightmares about this during those years and being very, very wary each time I passed by a car hood, hoping those evil buggers wouldn't accost me.
As far as I'm concerned: Kill 'em all, let God sort out the floppy shoes and greasepaint!!!
*Yeah, yeah. . . a bit late I know but the holidays were full and my plate has been pretty full of late. I missed blogging on some serious topics like Bhutto's assassination, the Primary spectacle, and our impending recession. I'll try to be more topical, I swears.
BTW: Blogging as I listen to NPR. Ben Bernanke just testified before Congress that housing start slowdowns may continue to affect the economy even through the middle of this year (Really? Good thing we have experts like him on board). And even more banks are reporting huge losses. Hmm. . . coincidence?
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