
Thursday, February 28, 2008

Take a Giant Step Back

Americans, especially those blathering into right-wing AM radio microphones, like to goof on the 'wacky' aspects of Islam. Culturally crazy things to most Americans like polygamy (sorry Mitt!), wacky dietary and worship practices (sorry AIPAC), and that whole '100 virigins in paradise' trope that comes after the average Hussein (sorry Barack) detonates his explosive vest.

But in an apparent confluence of both wackiness and virginity we've now been let in on our own home grown Christian wacky fad: Re-virgining. Geez, and some people thought virgin birth took alot of faith!

Of course, I have much sympathy for people who lost their virginity under questionable or circumstances against their will. But as reading this story it comes across mostly as one big 'Bible Belt do-over'. Sure many people wish their pasts were different, especially where sex is concerned. But is 'believing that it didn't happen' really better? People can change, people can have new and better lives. But does it require 're-virginization'? Even to the point of hymen replacement surgery?

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