
Friday, April 25, 2008

Sorry, Charlie

OK, well Charlie Gibson has already gotten a raft of shit (along with co-moderator George Stuffin'envelopes) for his dismal "gotcha" performance at the last Democratic debate (held right here in Always Sunny Philadelphia).

Gibson asked Obama if he was an elitist. Yet in a later question he assumed that a local, small college professor made $100,000 and figured that a husband and wife team so employed dragged in $200,000 per year--and with that income status (no kids mentioned or implied) that they were solid middle income folks being squeezed by the pressures of daily life.

Yo, Charlie, 200k isn't chump change. You've been hanging around the superwealthy and just plain very-well compensated (like yourself, nes't pas?) in NY, LA and the like for so long you don't even recognize what real people earn. FYI: Only 6 percent of the nation earns that much, far from the struggling middle class. And yet he implies Obama is 'out of touch.'

Meanwhile, over at CNN Lou Dobbs again wrings his hands about Obama, saying "Just what we don't need is a typical Ivy-League elitist." That would be Lou Dobbs, Harvard '67.

Just no shame (or clue) with these people.

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